Interlibrary Loan
What if my library doesn’t own a title I would like to borrow?
Interlibrary Loan provides access to materials not owned in the SHARE consortium.
Patrons can submit requests via the SHARE catalog or going directly to Wiscat. To submit your request, you will need to know your Racine Public Library card number and PIN.
If you would like a staff member to submit this request, or if you have any questions about interlibrary loans, please call the library at (262) 636-9217, email us at [email protected], or check in with a staff member on your next visit.
How long will it take for my materials to get here?
It may take longer than an average hold for interlibrary loan items to make their way to the Racine Public Library. A notification will be sent when the material is ready for pickup.
How long can I use the items?
Check-out periods are typically two weeks for books and one week for DVDs. If you would like a renewal of your interlibrary loan books, we ask that you please contact the Interlibrary Loan staff at least one week before its due date. Staff will need time to reach the lending library for renewal. Fines of $0.25 per day are charged for late return of Interlibrary Loan materials.
I accidentally lost the item I borrowed; what do I owe?
The borrowing library determines the replacement cost of the items. Once we receive the invoice for the item from the library, we will add the replacement cost to your account.