Racine Public Library Board of Trustees
Meet the leaders who oversee the library's mission and organizational health. Board MeetingsRacine Public Library Board Trustees and Committee Members
How do we select new trustees?
Most of our trustees are community members selected by the mayor and Racine Common Council. Another large portion of trustees are appointed by a county chairperson and the county board. Wisconsin State Statutes actually have specific requirements about what types of representatives need to sit on a library board. In essence, our board needs to be made up of the following people:
- Nine residents of the city of Racine
- Up to one member of the City of Racine Common Council
- One Racine Unified School District administrator or representative
- Up to five additional Racine County residents, depending on how much of our most recent budget comes from county funding.
The long version is in the dropdown below if you’re interested in reviewing the finer details.
What do Wisconsin state statutes say about the makeup of a library board?
Wisconsin State Statute § 43.54 (1), the governing body of the library (Racine Public Library Board of Trustees, referred to as the Library Board for the remainder of this document) shall consist of nine members of whom are residents of the City of Racine, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council. Not more than one member of the Common Council shall be a member of the Library Board at any one time and one of the Library Board members shall be a Unified School District Administrator or Administrator’s representative. (Sec. 43.54(1)(c), Wis. Stats).
Pursuant to the requirements of Wisconsin State Statute § 43.60 (3), a County Chairperson, with the approval of the County Board, may appoint additional member(s) of the Library Board from among the residents of the County, as follows:
- If the annual sum appropriated by the county to the public library is equal to at least one-sixth, but less than one-third, of the annual sum appropriated to the public library by any municipality in which the public library is located during the preceding fiscal year, one additional member.
- If the annual sum appropriated by the county to the public library is equal to at least one-third, but less than one-half, of the annual sum appropriated to the public library by any municipality in which the public library is located, 2 additional members.
- If the annual sum appropriated by the county to the public library is equal to at least one-half, but less than two-thirds, of the annual sum appropriated to the public library by any municipality in which the public library is located, 3 additional members.
- If the annual sum appropriated by the county to the public library is equal to at least two-thirds, but less than the annual sum appropriated to the public library by any municipality in which the public library is located, 4 additional members.
- If the annual sum appropriated by the county to the public library is equal to at least the annual sum appropriated to the public library by any municipality in which the public library is located, 5 additional members.
Want to learn more about the responsibilities of a board trustee? Check out the Racine Public Library’s board bylaws below.
Joining the Board
Want to become a library board trustee? Get started by reaching out to our Executive Director.
Board and Committee Meetings
Racine Public Library Board of Trustees
Third Thursday of every month
4:30 to 6 p.m.
Lee Room and Zoom
Racine Public Library Building and Grounds Committee
Meets As Needed
Lee Room and Zoom
Racine Public Library Personnel and Finance Committee
Second Wednesday of every month
4:30 p.m.
Lee Room and Zoom